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Nikola Tesla Documentary

Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems...

Post_title% | Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is the inventor of the AC power system. Tesla wanted to transmit energy without wires. Director Michael Krause went on a ..

Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the.. The PBS Tesla documentary, Tesla - Master of Lightning, is much more ..

nikola tesla documentarynikola tesla documentary

This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went virtually unnoticed for nearly a century. Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age and...

This amazing documentary gives long overdue recognition to a great and misunderstood man of science. The life of Nikola Tesla is an inspiring example of th.

Nikola Tesla – Genius Who Lit the World